Art is a way to search the truth

Dr.TATJANA BURZANOVIC is a Doctorate of fine Arts (graphic design) from  the University of Belgrade.She is prsently working with the University of  Donja Gorica (UDG), Podgorica, MONTENEGRO(CRNA GORA), as a Professor. She has a wide experience in the fields of graphic design, graphics in architecture, interior design. She was worked as art editor, interior designer and graphic designer at   various levels. Many of her arts exhibitions have taken place at different art galleries around the world. She has received many awards for her arts and literary works.

She has also published a book entitled - The interrelation between Art worlds-with support of the Embassy of India for Austria and Montenegro in Vienna. Her artistic philosophy include displaying of inter-relationship between art worlds (spatial and temporal arts). An artist thus mediates between nature and the spirits and yet stems from the absolute idea and serves the goal of realization of absolute spirit."Grasping the meaning through the form" is the task of the art set by the contemporary thinker is to demonstrate that building forms and creating sense are two simultaneous, intertwined, and absolutely inseparable processes in Arts. Without that recognition it is not possible to take any further step in investigating the nature of art and literature. She believes that art is a way to search the truth.  

Recently an exhibition of her paintings was held in Kolkata in the first week of November, 2016. The exhibitions have been sponsored by the ICCR with the coordination of the Embassy of India, Vienna, Austria.

How would you describe your work?

Poetry or prose illustration has been my preoccupation since childhood, ever since elementary school. Even earlier, with much less experience, I felt the need to convey and transpose what I used to read through the fine arts elements. This great need to unite two or more arts has lasted with equal intensity until today.

What / who inspired you to be an artist?

It seems to me that an artist is born, not created. I was lucky to feel that very early, already when I was only five. The inspiration is in me, and I can say that I hold it within with great pleasure, that is woven into my being. I see things, I think, and I experience things around me that way. I am an established artist, and I would like to note that when a profession that one loves is found, then that person will no longer have to work indeed until the end of life. This means that I'm not working, I enjoy my work and I hope that can be felt.

What message do you want to convey through your artworks?

My message through art is the message of the Bhagavad  Gita, LIFE CONSOLATION, TRUTH, SELF-REALIZATION, PEACE ORIENTATION TO  TIMELESS...

You have published a book entitled- The Inter-relation between Art worlds. Could you share some thoughts on the theme?

My Book THE INTERRELATIONS BETWEEN ART WORLDS is a correlation of simultaneous and successive art. Please note that what interests me is a synergy of meaning and radiation on my illustrations. The book also discusses the analogy among the various arts, such as analogies of colour frequency (Valera) and chords (harmonies) in music, and rhyme in poetry (literature) .This analogy exists in nature and it only has to be felt and presented in the right way. The more I succeed in that the greater is my pleasure. I do that sincerely from my souls, the way I feel in a given moment.

My book can be found by potential readers at the AMAZON bookstore, as an electronic publication. I used visual elements to present the thoughts and feelings from the narrative part of the book, in this case the ancient epic Bhagavad Gita. I like to say for my artwork, "READING THE IMAGE"

How is digital art currently impacting the contemporary design world in your opinion?

I'm always an advocate of the traditional, and I use digital art only as a technical option when my work needs to be published. And yet, what can be done by human hand and brain cannot be done solely by computers. My hand is an extension of my thoughts. Where used with technological advantages to a certain extent, modern design will gain in  value. Having a measure in everything is the right path. Indian art and culture were dear to you even before coming to India.

What kind of India you imagined before coming here? How much of it was in conformity with your perception?

My perception of India has not changed much. On the contrary, it was only strengthened with new values. Today India belongs to me much more than before.

You have been active in promoting Indian art & culture. Could you share your views?

I am engaged at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia, UNIVERSITY OF DONJA GORICA (UDG) IN PODGORICA (MONTENEGRO) in the learning process and  as Deputy Dean. Rector of the University of Donja Gorica proposed, from the current school year, that I should teach a course on Indian culture and at the  Faculty of Culture and Tourism, University of Donja Gorica. I accepted it with great pleasure, and our students know much more useful facts about India already now, so that we can thank the visionary thinking of Rector of the University of Donja Gorica, Prof. Dr. Veselin  Vukotic, for that fact.



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